
From what I see and learn from Singapore…シンガポールで考えたこと徒然


"Japanese Design Today 100" starts at UCLA. ロサンゼルスで開幕した「日本のデザイン100」展

LA Times features the exhibit of "Japanese Design Today 100" organized and toured by the Japan Foundation at UCLA Perloff Hall of Architect and Urban Design Department (AUD) and quoated Prof. Hitoshi Abe, director of AUD as follows; "Befor…

Japanese Film Festival 2014 starts! 日本映画祭が国立美術館で開幕

Jointly hosting "Japanese Film Festival 2014" with Singapore Film Society (SFS) at National Museum of Singapore for the next 2 weeks, featuring Kon Ichikawa's 15 films. Also presenting new 7 films bring almost full house at 250-seater Gall…

The Japanese Association, Singapore! 日本人会の大きさにびっくり!

Amazingly big "The Japanese Association, Singapore" with its own building with 2 restaurants, library, auditorium of 200 seats, tea room, clinic, cooking classroom, and more! Singapore has 5.3 million population with more than 30,000 Japan…

Truly Singaporean seafood! らしい、海鮮料理店!

On Sunday, 22nd June, 2014. Can you find this interesting Seafood restaurant serving the best Lam chop in town? こんな所に目当てのレストランは本当にあるのか? 公団住宅の一角、ありました。カニや海鮮だけではなく、ラム肉に牛、豚、何でもござれ…

My first day at work. 初出勤!

On Saturday, 21st June, 2014. My first day at my office and the final day of the exhibit "KOGEI". On my first night out at the Marina Bay, happened to be at the rehearsal of the Independence Day celebration (9th Aug) and saw this fireworks!…

Arrived in Singapore! シンガポールに着任!

On Friday, 20th June, 2014. Arrived at Singapore after 28 years' interval! Being welcomed by my colleague, I checked in my temporary apartment. Thrilled to think about my forthcoming encounters with new friends and events in my life in Sin…